🇬🇧 English🇸🇪 SwedishExplanation🔗 Reference
Team sizeSpannstorlekAmundsen has two (2) race classes in the AR350 and AR250
9-12 dogs at the start and at least 6 dogs at the finish line.
6-8 dogs at the start and at least 5 dogs at the finish line.
AR180 has one (1) race class
6-8 dogs at the start and at least 5 dogs at the finish line.
AR Race Rule #2
Dropped DogStälla av hundarThe musher is responsible for that the dog is being taken care of by their own handler.
The veterinary is informed and has signed off the Musher Vet handbook.
AR Race Rule #3
Size of SledSlädens storlekSled and sled bag must be of such a size that it can be a place for a tired / injured dog. The dog must be transported in a safe and secure manner during the period of the stay in sled bag.AR Race Rule #14
Start Time Interval StarttidsintervallThe teams start with a 2 minute interval between them.AR Race Rule #6
Mandatory Layover/Rest CPObligatoriskt Stopp/Vila CPMandatory Rest Time in the last Checkpoint before the Finish in Fjällsikten: 4 hours + Equalization time.
First team out is the leader in the race.
AR Race Rule #9
Total Mandatory RestTotal Obligatorisk vilaAR350 has a total mandatory layover of ten (10) hours + equalization time.
AR180/AR250 has a total mandatory layover of six (6) hours + equalization time.
AR Race Rule #9
Equalization timeUtjämningstidTime is added to the mandatory rest time to equalize for the start time difference.
This is done at the last checkpoint before the Finish in Fjällsikten.
First team out is the leader in the race.
AR Race Rule #10
Wilderness CheckpointVildmarks CheckpointNo depot and No Handlers.
Free access to water and straw.
Handlers can only come to the the Wilderness CP to pickup dropped dogs.
AR Race Rule #11
DepotDepåDepot bags contains dogfood, dog covers/dog wears and blankets etc. needed in the Checkpoint.
The bags may only contain cold or dry dog food (not soaked/wet or heated food and no cooling bags or boxes)
The depot in the checkpoint is at a central place where handlers can drop the bags for the musher.
AR Race Rule #13
Mandatory GearObligatorisk utrustningThe mandatory equipment which should be carried in the sled during the whole race.
The equipment can/will be checked before start, at checkpoints and at the finish.
AR Race Rule #14
Veterinary handbookVeterinärhandbokThe veterinary handbook is signed by the veterinarian at all inspections of the dogs.
Lost veterinary handbook results in disqualification!
AR Race Rule #16
No Man’s LandIngenmanslandLast part of the trail 1-2 km before the finish line. In this area the “no right of way” applies.
In the “no-right-of-way” finishing zone, no team shall have the right of way over a finishing team.
AR Race Rule #20
IFSS Race Rule #23.3
BIB NumberNummerlappenThe musher must wear his/her BIB clearly visible from Start to Checkpoint Ursvatnett and from the last checkpoint till the Finish line.
The handler for each musher will use his own orange handler vest at all checkpoints.
AR Race Rule #23
StrawHalm12 dog teams get a whole bale of straw.
8 dog teams get half a bale of straw.
Protest Protest Protests shall be submitted to the race marshal/jury in writing no later than one (1) hour after reaching the finishing line.Protest Form
Chip ListChiplistaRegistration of dogs entering Amundsen RaceFill-in Forms
Liability Release FormFormulär för AnsvarsfrihetLiability form that you run the race on your own risk and that you read and agree with the applied rules of Amundsen Race.Fill-in Forms
Live GPS TrackingLive GPS SpårningAll teams are equiped with GPS Trackers which make it possible to follow the race up close.
The position of the Musher is displayed on a map and updated with a regular interval.
Note: The interval time can be adjusted from 1 up to 10 minutes to save battery life.
Evaluation formEvalueringsformulärDigital evaluation form to all mushers, handlers, volunteers, trailmakers and all other people that are involved in Amundsen Race that you can fill out and share your experience with the organization.
This form is send out after the race.
AR350AR350Amundsen Race approx. 350km - 12 and 8 dog class.General
AR250AR250Amundsen Race approx. 250km - 12 and 8 dog class.General
AR180AR180Amundsen Race approx. 180km - 8 dog class.General
Handler Race MapHandler Race MapOn the Handler Race Map you will find some handler all important locations, road directions to drive, dates and times during Amundsen Race.Handler Race Map
Amundsen Race Topo MapAmundsen Race Topo KartaDigital Map which is based on the Lantmäteriet Vägkartan maps.
Replaces the paper map where you can draw the route on.
It can be used in Garmin devices and is available for free from the Amundsen website.
AR Topo Map
GPS TracksGPS-SpårGPS tracks of the Race Route which can be displayed on top of the Topo Map.
The GPS tracks + TOPO Map replaces the paper map with the route drawn on it.
Available for download shortly before the race start.
GPS Download Page
Musher MeetingFörarmöteMusher meeting, mandatory for all mushers and handlers (presence will be checked).
Presentation of sponsors, veterinary team, trail- and other important race information.
Musher Meeting
Veterinary checkVeterinärbesiktningALL dogs must to be checked before race start. Veterinary check
RegistrationRegistreringRegistration office is open for checking in, weighing of mandatory food, control of vaccination booklets, chip marking and sale of tickets for the banquet.Registration Office
Result ServiceResultatserviceThe Result Service displays the current positon of the musher in the race.
It displays several information as rest time, run time, total time etc.
Check In/Check OutSignera in/ut från checkpointsThe musher has to personally sign in/out from checkpoints to continue the race.
At this point Time In and Time Out/ Dogs Out is registered into the Result Service
AR Race Rule #11
Last time outSista tid uteThe last time to pass the last checkpoint before the finish line.
The team must have left this checkpoint by that time.

Note: You find this years last time out in Race Rule #12
AR Race Rule #12
DNS: Did Not StartDNS: Ej Incheckad
The musher did not start the the race.
This is displayed in the Result Service.
SCR: ScratchedSCR: BrutitThe musher scratched from the race.
This is displayed in the Result Service.
OTL: Over Time LimitOTL: Över tidsgränsThe musher has not left the last checkpoint to the Finish before Last Time Out.
The musher is out of the race.
This is displayed in the Result Service.
DSQ: DisqualifiedDSQ: DiskvalificeradThe musher is disqualified from the race.
This is displayed in the Result Service.
ETO: Earliest Time OutETO: Tidigaste Tid UtEarliest Time Out the musher can leave checkpoint Norråker after his mandatory rest + Equalization time.
This time is displayed in the Result Service.
Earliest Time Out (Info)
| Blue Sticks| Blå käpparBlue Sticks with reflection mark the Amundsen Trail
Blue sticks are found mellan 1-2 km to confirm you are in the right track.
Blue sticks are placed at your right hand 🫱| in the direction you go.
Trail marking
| Red Sticks| Röd käpparRed Sticks with reflection can be found on the lakes, the marsh and mountains areas.
This red sticks mark the general trail.
Blue sticks are found between 1-2 km to confirm you are in the right track.
2 Red sticks as a cross X means that trail is closed. follow the blue stick(s) or signs at this crossing.
Trail marking
\ \ Blue/Red Sticks in a angle\ \ Blå/röda käppar i vinkelIn marsh, mountain areas where there is no obvious trail on the left or right.
The hard part of the trail is always about 2 meters from the sticks and signs.

Angle to the right / Trail is on the right side of the stick
Angle to the left \ \ Trail is on the left side of the stick.
Trail marking
| Yellow reflective sticks| Gula reflekterande käpparWarning stick. Placed before a road crossing on the trail.Trail marking
🟦 Blue square sign🟦 Blå fyrkantsskyltStraight ahead or Confirmation markers with refection.
Trail marking
🔴 Red round sign🔴 Röd rund skyltRed Markers (Turn markers, of round shape) with reflection.
Placed on the right or left side of the trail.
Trail marking
⚠️ Yellow triangle sign⚠️ Gul triangel skyltYellow Markers with reflection (Caution markers of triangle shape)Trail marking
Red Snowmobile Cross
Röda Ledkryss
Follow the Snowmobile trails.
Blue sticks are found mellan 1-2 km to confirm you are in the right track.

|X Trail on the right side of the cross (About 2 meters)
X| Trail on the left side of the cross (About 2 meters)
Trail marking
Amundsen Race Quick Reference