Position: 64.435369, 15.603190
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Checkpoint Norråker, about 100 km north west of Strömsund, about one and a half hour’s drive away.
The checkpoint area is located near Parken (the Park) in Norråker. Close to Parken will also be a parking area for the handler’s cars. In Parken, there are bathrooms and sleeping area for the mushers. Simple food/sandwich/coffee will be for sale inside Parken during the race.
Handlers and traveling companions are welcomed to book a place to sleep on in the school’s gym, about 500 m from Parken. There are no possibilities to cook any meal there. Sleeping places are to be booked at the secretary on Thursday while checking in, cost 200,– SEK/person and last from Friday night until Sunday morning.
Other alternatives for accommodation can be found at Norråker Bo&Äta
Food/coffee/ sandwich cab be bought in Parken during the race.
For more service, please turn to Norråkers Handel (open friday 10-18 and saturday 10-14) and the gas station (open saturday 10-17).
Start i Strömsund The starting area lays at Hembygdsgården in Strömsund.
The start – Checkpoint Norråker, about 100 km
From Hembygdsgården, take the E45 north towards Arvidsjaur, Hoting and Lövberga for about 50 km. Just BEFORE Hoting, turn west (to the left) towards Norråker and Tåsjöberg and drive intil you reach Norråker.
Checkpoint Norråker – the finish in Strömsund, about 100 km
Same way as between Strömsund and Norråker, but in the opposite direction. The finish area is at the northern beach side of Vattudal in Strömsund.
There is an alternativ way to get from Strömsund to Norråker which passes Alanäset but we DO NOT REKOMMEND it as this road is very narrow during winter.