Film from the start
Re-live the start of the race!
Re-live the start of the race!
The first teams have now come to checkpoint Storåbränna 1 and more teams are coming in. Check out which time they come in and out of the checkpoints under “Result”. Pictures from checkpoint Storåbränna
The pictures from the start have now been downloaded to “Flickr” on the left corner at the bottom of page of the website.
All the team are now out on the first leg of the trail och Storåbränna is full of activity. We are awaitng the first teams around 15.30. Follow the mushers Live GPS Tracking. For improved resolution on your mobile/iPad, use … Continued
The musher meeting is done, and now everything is set for the start att 11:00 Saturday. Join us in Storåbränna!
Now the registration and vet. check has started. Below a link to some pics from the today. Amundsen Race – Day 1 (Open in new window)
Flyer with information about the program i now available in Swedish on this link: Amundsenwebben
The link for downloading the GPS file from the website is now activated. You will find the link at the bottom of the page describing the trail.
Since the trails are going to be around the area of Checkpoint Storåbränna, only the Lantmäteriet’s map (mountain map) “Fjällkartan Z3” will be needed. The terrain map “Terrängkartan 703” will not be needed anymore.
This year, three photographers will be following the race and with their cameras document what is going on at the start, along the trail, at checkpoints and at the finish line. Eva Mårtensson, Casper Nielsen and Peter Limber are all … Continued
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