Beyond all expectations, we are proud and delighted to be able to announce that we have reached the maximum number of 50 participants within 3 weeks after the registration opened. We welcome all registered mushers and ca now direct our full focus towards delivering a high quality race. We thank you all for the organisation you put in our organisation group.
This wonderful news raised a few questions though during the course of today, on which the board has decided the following:
1. We close the registration tonight, the 1st of November 2021, at the same time as the publication of this update.
2. Those of you that have submitted their entry forms AND paid the entrance fee (we can see some inbound payments but have not received details from the bank yet), DO NOT WORRY; you are all accepted in and welcome to our race! As this concerns only a handful of people, we did not want to lot out a few lucky ones (as the rules state we can do in the event of same date payments) and leave others disappointed.
3. This means that the total number of participants will exceed the planned 50 by a little.
4. This also means that we will not accept any more mushers; as from tonight, November 1 2021, we will not work with any waiting list.